
What You Get

View real-time analytics, download compliance reports, and receive instant mobile alerts on any device.

Rhino energy platform dashboard

Swift Sensors offers an innovative platform designed to manage and optimize utility use. The Rhino energy monitoring platform measures water, gas, heating, and electricity consumption in real time. Monitor a single room, an entire property, or multiple facilities remotely on any approved device 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Reduce utility bills, manage submetering and billing, support sustainability initiatives, and satisfy ESG reporting with Rhino Energy monitoring, alerts, and reports.

Rhino energy platform mobile alerts
Rhino energy platform analytics and reports
Rhino energy platform customization
Rhino energy platform configuration
Rhino energy platform integration

The Rhino energy monitoring solution is a separate platform from Swift Sensors monitoring solutions. The platforms are not natively integrated. Each platform comprises a distinct set of hardware and cloud software, and a monitoring plan.

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Talk with our team of specialists about implementing smart metering services focused on effective management of utility consumption. Find the right path to reducing costs and supporting energy sustainability.

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