Mighty River Brewing Company

Mighty River Brewing Company

Since 2018, The Mighty River Brewing Company in Windsor, Colorado has been crafting top-tier, specially branded beers through carefully researched and designed recipes. The main objective of The Mighty River Brewing Company is to provide its customers with unique beers and “offer an environment away from the stress and obligations of life.” Mighty River Brewing’s dedication to producing quality, home-brewed beers and ensuring customer safety is the expectation they set to meet and exceed.

The Challenge

The Mighty River Brewing Company wanted to improve the efficiency and safety of the storage of their branded beers and ensure employee safety through the use of wireless door sensors to monitor inbound and outbound traffic. Instead of manually logging refrigerator and freezer temperatures, Mighty River Brewing added Swift Sensors wireless temperature, humidity, and dew point sensors to their units to give them real-time temperature monitoring and reporting.

By adding Swift Sensors wireless temperature, humidity, and dew point sensors to the refrigerators and freezers, the brew masters and staff can review logged data of the temperatures and ensure customer safety. This helps the Mighty River Brewing staff understand food storage and safety and gives their brew masters peace of mind with compliance reporting and decreased chance of inventory loss.

To learn more, download the case study.

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